Friday, February 27, 2015

Writers as Readers

1. When I read I need my environment to be completely quiet or else I can't concentrate. I would prefer to have like cherry juice or coffee within reach of my hand, but if not I guess thats okay.

2. I love love love murder mystery books, or romance, or stuff that is really sad. I don't know but it just interests me, I love romantic books because I am a hopless romantic and that kind of stuff just makes me happy. I can't really explain why I love murder mystery or sad books but I think it's really intriguing to read into other people's lives.

9. "When I finished reading" Crank I was angry afterwards because the ending was really sad and the mom left her baby to go be a drug addict.

10. I feel like people can make their own decisions in life and if they are scared to read a book about witchcraft because they are afraid that they will become one with the devil, then they obviously are easily swayed and should have more of an open mind. I don't think a book like Harry Potter could make anyone convert to something like witchcraft unless that is your thing and you are a diehard fan. My grandma is super religous and believes in God and she read the books and it didn't change her, it is merely entertainment.

12. I think that if you do read more, it could help you with your imagination or finding new vocabulary, it just depends what type of writer you are and if something sways you or catches your eye then it could definitely help with your writing. Sometimes I pick up words or phrases from t.v. shows as well, so it depends on the person.


1 comment:

  1. Cherry juice! That's cute. I am also drawn to sad stories--I read a lot of books set in the Holocaust. I think it reminds me to keep my own struggles in perspective.
