Friday, February 6, 2015

I know why...

I know why the caged bird sings
It sings to find its own voice
To prove what it can accomplish
To get away from all the talking
To show its talents
It sings in hope of finding happiness
To understand what it is capable of
So others will admire its talents
To make its own way in this cruel world
To be free from all the doubt


  1. I love this piece. This world is very cruel, especially to animals. Humans are so destructive to them, caging them and trapping them, deciding their fate to sit and rot without ever being able to soar high up in the sky. I wonder if all birds have beautiful voices, or if they are like humans with some having more skill than others in that field of their nature. Tweeting birds intrigue me more than almost any other animal on the planet. They give joy to us with their sweet hymns and notes that float down from the trees to our ears. They have such a short range of freedom. Either a bird is totally free and wild, or totally trapped in a torturous cage. I do not think they have such a wide range of freedom as humans do, because of the fact that humans can have a different variation of freedoms while at the same time being restricted of others. whereas birds either have full freedom or they don't.

  2. To be free from all the doubt would be the most liberating feeling...
