Friday, February 6, 2015

If I were in charge of the world

If I were in charge of the world

I'd cancel narrow mindedness

Dairy products

Sexism and also

The corrupt school system


If I were in charge of the world

there'd be organic food

free college and

room for opportunity


If I were in charge of the world

You wouldn't have lonely

You wouldn't have starving

You wouldn't have angry

You wouldn't have "you're stupid"

You wouldn't even have to worry

If I were in charge of the world

Fazoli's and chocolate would be a vegetable

All people would have jobs

And a person who sometimes forgot to forgive

And sometimes forgot to love

Would still be allowed to be

In charge of the world.



  1. You have no idea how much I agree with your statement that there should be no "narrow mindedness." I hate whenever someone thinks that they are always right and that they know everything, even when others have evidence to the contrary. They are people who you can never have an intellectual conversation with, because they will never listen to another side of a controversial story. It's their way or the highway and if you try to argue with them about that, then you better prepare yourself for a war that you may win in intelligence but you will lose when it comes to your pride. Your pride will suffer because you have allowed yourself to stoop to their level. When I meet someone like that, I just walk away with my head held high, knowing that I am right, but not arguing with what they say. I even have friends that think like that, but we are still friends to this day because I know when to back down in a conversation so as not to start a fight.

  2. I like your promotion of "room for opportunity" and what you suggest about everyone being able to find a purpose/job to make their lives meaningful.
