Wednesday, April 8, 2015

101 things about me

1. I work at Vanity
2. I love fashion
3. I love peanut butter
4. I love Starbucks
5. I love sushi
6. Led Zeppelin is my favorite band
7. I also like Best Coast
8. I love orange roses
9. they remind me of my grandma
10 I can't ride a bike
11. I love ankle boots
12. I like beards
13. my cat is the cutest
14. I collect cat whiskers
15. I think I'm boring
16. I take pictures
17. I have a fashion blog
18. I go to Starbucks for the cute boys
19. I walk around Target for fun
20. I go downtown to see bands play
21. I wash my hair everyday
22. I'm 18 and I feel so much older
23. I can't wait to get married
24. I love warm weather
25. One time I met this guy that wore lipstick
26. he asked for my number
27. I gave it to him and he ever called me
28. #rejected
29. I really like my eyebrows
30. I strive to look nice everyday
31. If I look like garbage I feel so insecure
32. Going to school makes me sad
33. I can't wait to graduate
34. I feel like myself on the weekends at my job
35. I'm around creative people that like to be around me
36. I feel no judgment
37. I like being by myself
38. but I'm afraid of being alone my whole life
39. The thought is so scary and sad to me
40. I like to go on walks with my dad
41. I only know one other person named jane
42. I like being the only one
43. I like watching movies
44. I hate spiders
45. and close minded people
46. I like the color blue
47. and I like my nails black
48. My manager is like a sister/ soul mate to me
49. I feel like people hate me sometimes
50. I just get weird vibes from people
51. I don't like going to church
52. It makes me uncomfortable
53. I try not to eat dairy
54. cheese especially
55. I want to be a vegan
56. but I'm not
57. Instead of baby fever, I always get cat fever
58. I don't really like kids
59. My mom has a daycare though
60. I don't like sports
61. I don't like sweat pants
62. I hate the winter
63. I wish that I had a british accent
64. a boy asked me to a square dance in fourth grade
65. cutest thing ever
66. When I get sad or whatever I don't talk
67. If I didn't have coffee my life would be sad
68. I like the person I am
69. people annoy me
70. I got voted most original style
71. It was the sweetest thing ever
72. When I am at school I feel like a different person
73. When I don't have school I watch soap operas with my mom
74. I wish I had infinite amounts of money to buy clothes
75. I HATE driving
76. I wish I didn't have to
77. I want to be a fashion blogger
78. I also want to be a brand ambassador or something involving fashion
79. Chocolate chip cookies are a weakness
80. I hate getting gas, the thought of going makes me angry
81. I like being pale, I feel beautiful
82. My best friend is Leigh
83. We have known each other since first grade
84. I will eat endless amounts of breadsticks
85. If you go "huntin" I won't give you the time of day
86. btw I hate country music
87. I like jelly sandals
88. I want to move out of Missouri someday
89. There are clothes everywhere in my room
90. On the walls, in drawers, everywhere
91. I feel gross for having a lot of clothes sometimes
92. But most days I feel like I have nothing to wear
93. I feel so lazy
94. there are people younger than me that have accomplished way more
95. I hate wearing pants
96. So I usually don't
97. I prefer leggings, dresses, shorts
98. Jean jackets are always a life saver
99. and so is hairspray/ dry shampoo/ hats
100. I like foreign films
101. I am really particular about what I post on my instagram

1 comment:

  1. My husband loves the name Jane. If we had ever had a baby girl we would have named her Trula Jane, after my grandmother, and called her Tru.

    I also feel gross sometimes looking at amount of clothes I have. But I want to get rid of most of them and get different ones. Never satisfied.

    I like that you have found a niche where you feel authentic and comfortable and I hope you get to use your love of fashion to bring joy and success to your life.

    I was a vegetarian for almost three years and will probably go back someday. It's just hard when the people you live with aren't.

    You should like the person you are. You're a good one!

    I enjoyed reading your list, Jane! Thank you!
